If you haven't already created your own instance of the web application, click on the deploy to bluemix button, and follow the instructions.
- Note that this step may take quite a long time (maybe 30 minutes).
- Make a note of the Organisation and Space names where you are deploying to.
- An instance of Cloudant, Compose Redis and the Movie Recommendation web application will be set up automatically for you.
Service credentials
When the deployement has finished:
- Login to the Bluemix console
- Select the Organisation and Space that you deployed to.
- Find the Cloudant service instance called my_cloudant, and select it.
- Select the Service Credentials tab on the page that is displayed when the service is created.
- Select the action View Credentials from the Service Credentials table.
- Update the cell with your Cloudant details
- Remove the # character and then run the cell to save your credentials to a file on DSX